Birthing Suite
Please call: 905-338-4688
This number is not only for when you are in labour. Please call L&D if you have:
fallen (even if it is a minor fall)
if you have been in a car accident no matter how minor
if you feel decreased baby movement
change in discharge or notice bleeding
abdominal or pelvic pain
if you have any other medical concerns
if you think you are in labour
We recommend that you call the birthing suite for advice if you think that you need to be assessed for a pregnancy concern and/or if you think you are in labour.
On Arrival at L&D:
Please bring your registration form (Admission Form) to L&D, located on the 3rd floor of the south wing in Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. If you have misplaced your admissions form, please reprint and fill it in prior to arrival. For the form and any other documents in the admissions package, please go to the bottom of the page.
For more information on OTMH Labour and Delivery, please click here.
Birth options after previous caesarean, VBAC or elective repeat caesarean information
Halton Healthcare TLC Baby Boutique and Breastfeeding Clinic information